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Voor India vinden we drie PostScript Devanagari fonts: Milan, Nutan en Padma. Geen verdere beschrijvingen.

Voor Zuid-India en de Dravidische talen geeft Malafont twee Malayalam fonts in zowel pfb als ttf formaat: het nogal hoekige Gayathri en het ronde Janaranjani. Palladam geeft een gelijknamige pfb-file voor de Tamil-taal. Het Tamil font is ontworpen door T. Govindaraj op een Macintosh met Fontographer.

Background and a brief history

I (T. Govindaraj) wrote this font over a period of about a year. It has been modified almost continuously. Since I could not find a commercially available font that I liked, I decided to create one. It took a rather long time since my professorial responsibilities in the top industrial and systems engineering program in the US left me with little spare time.

While there is always room for improvement, I decided to release the font at this time (July 1990) since it appears usable at the current state of its development. The font is named after the little town where I come from. I am actually from a 'suburb' of Palladam. Since my background is engineering and not linguistics or Tamil literature, I had to use letter mappings that seemed reasonable. I am open to suggestions concerning mappings that may be more appropriate.

Copyright © Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink
Last updated on 26 december 2000

Home VADA [Voor Allochthonen Door Allochtonen] Hebreeuws Navigate with an Accent